Integrated Management System Policy
ECLAT SERVICES PTE LTD is specialized in cleaning services. In pursuit of customer and employee satisfaction, we are committed to delivering high-quality products and services that meet or exceed the requirements or expectations of our customers, We are committed to the protection of the environment and health and safety management at the workplace.
We shall prevent ill health, injury and pollution in and around the workplace and fulfill our compliance obligations, We are committed to identify hazards and implement control measures to reduce risks and impacts to as low as reasonably practicable. We shall continually strive to improve our IMS through continual review of our IMS. Furthermore, we are committed to ensuring conformance to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001: 2015, BS OHSAS 18001: 2007, SS506-1:2009 and Clean Mark Silver Award requirements.
In view of continual improvement, we have established objectives, targets and improvement programs consistent with this policy to improve our IMS. We shall provide resources required to achieve our policy and objectives. Our policy shall be reviewed annually, or as and when necessary, to ensure its suitability and effectiveness, Additionally, our policy shall be communicated to all personnel working in and on behalf of the organizations.